Welcome to blog number five hundred and seventy eleven billion in an internet stuffed with blogs. If you're reading this post, consider it a miracle that you somehow found this blog on the digital sea in which it's buried.
I'm a writer, but lately I haven't been doing much writing. I'm not sure why. Maybe it's the move we just made a little over a month ago and the fact that it's winter and cold and I detest being cold; maybe it's burnout. Maybe I just suck at writing. But writers are supposed to write, so I'm writing this blog.
It's going to be about stuff I know. Why? Because I just had an epiphany. I'm tired of writing about stuff I don't know. So whatever ends up on this blog, at least I know it already.
Here's some things I know:
-Hungry Jack pancakes are objectively better than generic pancake-mix pancakes, especially if you make them with buttermilk.
-Christmas is really depressing when you're broke.
-The more sugar you put in it, the better the lemonade tastes.
-I still have no idea how to be a responsible adult.
I'll write more posts when I think of some other stuff I know. That's all I got for now.
-Sonya, who writes books and stuff sometimes